
I am interested in your AVG Internet Security Business Edition, but I am confused about the licensing.

The number of licenses of AVG Internet Security Business Edition is calculated as the total number of workstations and servers on the network.

Configurations from 2 to 200 licenses are available for purchase on-line. Configurations above 200 are available in bundles of 25 (225, 250, 275, etc.) for purchase off-line.

For example:
Protection for 1 server plus 4 workstations, select 5 licenses. If you have 2 servers and 5 workstations (7 computers in total), you will need to buy a larger package of 10 licenses.

You will receive just one License Number that will be used for AVG installation on workstations as well as your servers.

Please contact AVG Customer Services for information regarding the purchase of more than 200 licenses.


I am interested in AVG Anti-Virus Business Edition, but I am confused about the licensing.

The number of purchased licenses of AVG Anti-Virus Business Edition should be equal to the total number of workstations and file servers on your network. Configurations from 2 to 200 licenses are available for purchase online.

For example:

Protection for 46 workstations (not all the workstations necessarily have to be on the network) and 2 Windows 2003/2008 servers, select AVG BE 50 (the 46 workstations plus 2 servers combine for a total count of 48).

Protection for 80 workstations (not all the workstations necessarily have to be on the network) and 1 Windows 2003/2008 server, select AVG BE 90 (the 80 workstations plus 1 server combine for a total count of 81).

Licenses in amounts above 200 are available in increments of 25 (225, 250, etc.) for purchase off-line. Please contact AVG Customer Services for information regarding the purchase of more than 200 licenses.


I am interested in AVG Email Server Edition, but I am not sure how many licenses I need.

The number of purchased licenses of AVG Email Server Edition should be equal to the total number of mailboxes or email accounts on the servers, regardless of the number of email servers.

Configurations from 5 to 200 mailboxes are available for purchase online. Configurations above 200 licenses are available for purchase off-line and are available in bundles of 25 (225, 250, 275, etc.).

Protection for 1 Exchange server with 85 mailboxes, select AVG ESE 90.
Protection for 2 Exchange servers with 25 and 40 mailboxes respectively, select AVG ESE 70.

Please contact us for information regarding the purchase of more than 200 mailboxes.


I am interested in AVG File Server Edition, but I am not sure how many licenses I need.

The number of licenses of AVG File Server Edition depends on the number of workstations connected to the AVG protected file server in the network.

Configurations from 2 to 200 connections are available for purchase online.

Configurations above 200 are available in bundles of 25 (for example 225, 250, 275, etc.) for purchase off-line. Please contact AVG Customer Services for information regarding the purchase of more than 200 connections.


I am interested in AVG Email Server Edition for Linux/FreeBSD. How many licenses do I need?

AVG Email Server Edition for Linux/FreeBSD  provides protection for Linux e-mail server(s) and/or file server(s).

Licensing is determined by the number of CAL (Client Access Licenses). CAL = each client connected to the file server to access files or number of email accounts on the e-mail server. Please see example A.

For large configurations (server with more than 75 CAL or protection for more than one Linux server), select licensing per server. Please see example B.

Available configurations:

  • 10, 25, 50, or 75 Client Access Licenses
  • 1, 2, 3, 5 servers

Example A:
Protection for 1 Linux mail server with 70 mailboxes, select AVG Email Server Edition for Linux/FreeBSD (75 Client Access Licenses).
Protection for 1 Linux file server with 20 connections (workstations connected to the protected file server), select AVG Email Server Edition for Linux/FreeBSD (25 Client Access Licenses).

Example B:
Protection for 1 Linux file server with 80 connections, select AVG Email Server Edition for Linux/FreeBSD (1 server).
Protection for 2 Linux mail servers and 1 Linux file server, select AVG Email Server Edition for Linux/FreeBSD (3 servers).


How many licenses do I need on dual boot computers?

You will need one AVG license per computer, even if you have more operating systems installed on each computer.